Green for Generations

Coca Cola: Bell Soda Split Mug

Coca Cola: Bell Soda Split Mug

The Brief:
Coca Cola and 7-11 organized a Big Gulp joint annual promotion. The objective of the promotion was to encourage customers to sample different drinks within a single purchase.

The Challenge:
To keep in consideration the mechanics of the promotion and produce a drink receptacle that cold hold two different soft drinks.

The Result:

Picture 1: Big Gup Mug

Picture 2: Coca Cola Jackets

Picture 3: Coca Cola Souvenirs

The Process:
A Bell Soda shaped mug with a wall right down the middle of the mug was conceptualized.

The mug had to be manufactured from food-safe plastic, have a high degree of transparency for the drink to be seen, and have a suitable elasticity for the compartment wall to form properly during the injection molding process.

The compartment wall separating the mug into 2 was a challenge in the mold creation process as the bell soda mug was not of the regular shape. Special considerations had to be made with regards to the right material during the manufacture of the mug.

When the promotion was launched, the stocks of the Bell Soda Split mugs were fully depleted well before the end of the promotion. The Bell Soda Split mug promotion was eventually adopted by Coca Cola and 7-11 offices in Hong Kong.

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