31Polyesters play a predominant role as biodegradable plastics due to their potentially hydrolysable ester bonds. the polyester family is made of two major groups - aliphatic (linear) polyesters and aro..
manufacturing - Gary - 2009-4-16 16:44:16
Test Method:(1)As specified in FDA 21 CFR 177.1520(2)Microwave digestion with reference to US EPA Method 3052:1996, followed by analysis using
certificate - 不详 - 2009-3-2 14:45:11
We research and invent all of our equipments for processing the bioderadable products,including high-speed blender,sheet extrusion machine,vacuum molding machine etc,whose key parts ane introduced ove..
manufacturing - admin - 2009-1-5 13:47:36